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          Brady watched #12 light up the Falcons' defense last year at Super Bowl LI and couldn't believe his eyes. Today he is so excited to watch his namesake and experience the power of the Patriots again! The Friends of Brady felt today, Super Bowl Sunday, was the absolute best day to express our gratitude. Our gratitude to YOU for not only lighting up Brady's home but for being a part of allowing his family to power up his life saving devices.

Let's help

          Brady is our own little superhero but even the greats have sidekicks. You have all played an immense role as members of his team, allowing him to recharge when needed, no matter the conditions around him. As all of New England cheers for Tom today we will raise a cheer for you: Brady's cheerleaders, his team mates, his sidekicks. Thank you for allowing Brady to continue mustering up all of his superpowers when he needs them most, in the place that gives him the most strength: his own home. You are the real superheroes. You are Brady's G.O.A.T. 


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Tax identification for the Brady Robert Ellis Trust is: 81-6186271


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