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On Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 Brady's life changed forever. It had been a typical day - with playing, napping and fussing for his bottle.  Then, in a second, that regular day turned catastrophic for his family when Brady was unresponsive on his playmat.  The doctors used the term "near SIDS" to describe what happened.  They credit his family and the emergency response team with saving his life. 


However, due to a lack of oxygen, Brady sustained brain damage and went into cardiac arrest.  Today, after 2 years, he has been diagnosed with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, he continues to be treated for seizures and infantile spasms, has a trach to protect his airways and is fed through a gastroinstestinal tube. All of this requires the constant and vigilant care of his family as well as a nurse that assists them within the home.


After leaving Mass General ICU Brady received daily therapy at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital to facilitate his ability to breathe, swallow and regain motor control.  Thankfully he is home with his parents but he has a long road ahead with many challenges to overcome.  His parents have much to endure. 


Your generous donations will go into a designated trust for Brady's care to provide for his special medical needs, therapies, adaptive equipment and will help his loving family provide for his specific needs - which are mounting everyday.


Brady's outstanding doctors, nurses and therapists will give him the best care and therapies available in medicine.  His family will give him all of the love and support imagineable.  The rest is in the hands of God and Brady himself. As Brady travels on his new path, emerging from his brain injury, let us have hope in his strength, in his courage and in the love that surrounds him.  Thank you for your prayers and your support.



Brady's Story

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