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Thank you for staying out past Brady's bedtime

If we had to attach an image to the emotion we feel it would be this photo of 3 month old Brady. It is heart warming and you can't help but smile. It is so genuine it almost takes your breath away. Last nights event was like the ending scene of "It's a Wonderful Life" unfolding in real life before our eyes. A whole community pulling together for one of their own.

Thank you.

It doesn't seem like it describes it all... tonight, last week, last month... words can never describe the outpouring of love and generosity that has been bestowed upon us as a family. "Thank you." Those two little words will never be able to convey the gratitude we feel for all that has been and is being done for us.

Brady has a long road ahead of him and, although we don't know his final destination, we do know it will definitely be a bumpy trip. Brady may never walk on his journey, but we know he'll be lifted by all of you in whatever capacity he will need. Brady will have cognitive deficits but we firmly believe he will understand the love and support that surrounds him. Bady will have language delays and may always have a difficult time communicating, but we know he will find his own way in the years to come.

We also know Brady CAN hear. He hears your well wishes, kind and generous words and support. We know Brady CAN feel touch and he feels your hugs, kisses and love. Brady CAN also see some light at times. You all continue to be a light for him, and for us as his parents, guiding the three of us to continue in our hopes of continued progress. We are hopeful his sense of sight will return and he will physically see for himself the amazing people who have already shown so much love for such a little boy.

There are so many "Thank yous" owed to so very many different people. There will never be enough thank yous said. All of them are in response to the outpouring of support for our Brady Bear so we will leave you with the most important one:

Thank you for loving our son.

Sincerely with love always,

Bob and Christine

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