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Consistently Inconsistent

"Consistently inconsistent" has been Brady's catch phrase. His Spaulding therapists, nurses and family have become more at ease with his care because they've come to expect that Brady's norm is typically anything but that. Two steps forward and one step back is the path that Brady is the happiest traveling. He is already his own little man who has no plans to follow someone else's route. Just when his caretakers begin to get worried about a lack of progress, Brady really digs deep and takes a leap that restores everyone's faith. And, vice versa, when he is really steady and accomplishing something impressive he likes to find a way to take a moment and say, "Hey guys, I'm steering this ship and you all are just my crew."

Most recently, when it has appeared that Brady wants to take a break from his grueling Spaulding schedule, instead of just asking for a day off he pulls a stunt that lands him right back where his journey started: Mass General. While he will learn that you don't have to be inpatient (they will let you visit), he has come to really love and appreciate everyone at MGH who bends over backwards to make sure he - and his parents - are well taken care of. All in all Brady has spent six weeks, over the course of four seperate stays, with his MGH family. From the PICU to the pediatric floor he now feels at home wherever he ends up. In his most recent stay he was inpatient on both floors. He appreciated the chance to say hello to old friendly faces in the PICU and get to know some new and equally as kind faces. Up on the pediatric floor he rekindled friendships with nurses who knew exactly how to make his stay comfortable and met new doctors who were as attentive and caring as he could possibly hope.

Brady has always liked to go big or go home. Since he can't yet go home he calls in the big guns: neurology, surgery, GI, endocrine, pediatrics and palliative care. MGH doctors, N.P.s, nurses and CNAs... all working together to make sure Brady has the best treatment, the best possible outcome from each new situation and the best quality of life going forward. With case managers, social workers and child life, he has quite the team at his disposal. For each member of that MGH team Brady is just one little boy on a big caseload of many, yet they each take care of him as though he is king of the castle.

Although Brady's parents have threatened to ground him if he doesn't just ask for a break next time, deep down they know he is willfull and they are subject to his whims. His parents are grateful that when he does take that step back all of the truly amazing people at MGH will be there to steady and prepare him for those next two steps forward again.

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