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Brady's Heroes

The Lynn Fire Department, Engine Ten, Countless years of combined experience, Three crew members, All part of the reason one little boy is with us today.

Brady's heros, Lieutenant Ryan Duffy and firefighters Michael Smith and John Traversy were recipients of the Star of Life award Friday night. All members of the crew of LFD Engine 10, they were the first to respond to the 911 call on November 17, 2015 when a near SIDS incident almost claimed Brady's life.

In the weeks that followed it was unclear if Brady would survive the anoxic injury. To this day in his recovery, many things continue to be unclear about

Brady's future.

The thing that is crystal clear is that Brady is with us

today because of the quick and then continuous actions of these first responders.

We are eternally grateful for the chance to see our baby open his eyes each morning, breathe each breath unassisted and hug the little boy that we came so very close to losing. Thank you City of Lynn Fire Department, thank you Engine 10, thank you Michael, John and Ryan from the bottom of our hearts.

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