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Dear Daddy...

Dear Daddy, Im not even a year old yet, so there are a lot of things I dont know. But I do know you are very funny and just one word from you could send me into fits of giggles from a very young age. Don't forget my smiles. You can't see them right now, but they're there. Thank you for continuing to try.

I do know how special it is that you tell me everyday before you go anywhere and before I go to sleep that I am your best friend.

You should know that you are my best friend, too (don't tell mom...).

I do know that you have my schedule down. There is never a concern that my feed or medicine will be late. I can kick back and relax and I know you have things handled.

I do know that you are ready for whatever I need, whether it is an immediate trach change, a suction in the middle of a social event or staying up later than you really want to make sure my feed goes smoothly.

I do know that you are always thinking about the next step, how to make things better for me in the future. With you taking care of things, I know everything will always be all right.

I know that no matter the future, whether I can talk and move my limbs on my own or if I always need help with life activities, you will make sure we do all the usual father/son things and I have opportunities to be a part of everything. Your friends better watch out...we will be an unstoppable force in our future fantasy leagues.

I know that I am lucky to call you "Dad." I haven't made your first year as a father the easiest. There are few who would have been able to find your mix of strength, resiliency and comic relief through it all.

Happy first Fathers' Day.

I love you.



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