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Wishing friends a happy, healthy & relaxing vacation

Hanging on our wall are two pieces of amazing art work completed by young Stanley artists. A "love" painting was created by Mrs. Helferich's kindergarten as a gift for Brady for Valentine's Day. The colorful fingerprints are a clear reminder of the love Brady continues to receive from Swampscott.

More recently he received a collaborative piece from Mrs. DiLisio and all of Christine's former students framed by Mrs. Hanlon. Coupled with a lovely explanation of the watercolor creation, it is a reminder of how much of Brady's strength comes from the positive thoughts and prayers of those around him. Because of so many of you, he too believes the seemingly impossible may someday be.

These pieces on our wall will remain as important reminders throughout the year, but today Brady was thinking specifically about the paintings because it was the last day of school for the district. He was thinking about what an exciting day it was for all his special friends who sent out such good vibes to him this year. Brady wishes all of his Swampscott friends a happy, healthy and relaxing vacation. He hopes among the sun and sand filled days you squeeze in some time for math fact practice and a good book or two! He will be working hard but is thinking that if he is lucky he will sneak in a beach day as well and maybe have the good fortune of running in to some of you!

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