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The Anniversary of a Miracle...

The three of us woke up a year ago on November 17, 2015, all cozy in the same bedroom, and everything was "normal."

This morning, November 17, 2016, the three of us woke up, all cozy in the same bedroom, and everything was, again, "normal."

Somehow in the 12 months that have passed we have arrived at a life that is a completely new normal, but normal for us nonetheless.

Unfortunately you hear about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) more than any of us would like. But "Near SIDS" is not a term that is used frequently. Different medical professionals along the way have had different responses and have said things like, "We don't often have patients like Brady" and "Well, most children do not survive an incident like this." A neurologist in the PICU didn't exactly have eloquent phrasing when she said, "He wanted to die, but someone wouldn't let him." But she was absolutely right. That was exactly what happened.

That person that wouldn't let him? Brady's grampy.

Mark Hogan is ultimately the one that makes it possible today for us to celebrate the little man Brady IS and how far he has come, instead of using this forum to commemorate who he was.

There are so many things that we could, and do, reflect on. So many things to grieve, so many things to be thankful for. So many moments to second guess and so many decisions to feel confident in. So many people to thank and so many people who continue to deserve our daily gratitude. In reflecting on the road we have been traveling this past year, and where we are so far on our journey, it comes to mind that a miracle happened a year ago today.

That is what today is. The anniversary of a miracle. Today, and every November 17th to come, will be a celebration. A celebration of a happy little four and half month old who will never be forgotten. A celebration of a grandfather who sprang into action to ensure that his grandson would have a future. A celebration of a young little life that has already endured so much and yet accomplished even more. A celebration of a life story not yet written but so full of hope.

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